Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Holy Fucking Shit!

It looks like I might be going to New York.

I mentioned in a previous post that although some negative things had happened to me recently I wasn't sinking into depression because of the good things happening in my life. I woke up to an email this morning that blew me away.

It seems that somebody working for a US television network read my alli diet pill post and liked it. A lot. They think they can use me on a show. On a major US network. This would involve me flying to New York in October.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

OK, to allay anyone's fears about my potential naivety: my first reaction was "This is bullshit". Some bastard was winding me up so they could make fun of me for being excited by the prospect. There was a phone number included in the email for me to call. My suspicion was that any call I made would go through to voicemail. There would be a recording of me getting all excited and maybe giving away some personal details that would later be used to humiliate me.

Not this little black duck! You don't get me that easy. The return email address was from a TV network's domain but it's easy enough to fake a return email address. BUT it's easy enough for me to send an email directly to the TV station to find out if this guy is real. Then I get to do a blog post and video saying how I outsmarted the prick that wanted to prank me.

Ummmmm, it appears not. It's for real. He replies with an email saying "haha I understand your caution, how do I prove I'm real? Here's the number for the switchboard - call them and ask to be put through to me." Yeah, that's a pretty good way to prove this isn't a prank.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

So I called the switchboard. By the way, the switch operator lived up to every Australian's stereotype (good and bad) of an American telephone operator. She had a syrupy sweet voice and used all the "how may I direct your call" lines to perfection. Her intonation was so friendly and perfect it seemed creepily unrealistic. But that's probably just me.

Right now I'm on my lunch break at work and I haven't been able to form a single fucking coherent thought all day. And they're kinda expecting me to do a few things today. Sucks to be them. I've actually given four weeks notice at this job so I can work on another big project. So right now, this job doesn't seem like the most important thing in the world to me. I'm sure my professionalism will win out though and I'll do the boring, non-life-changing stuff that's expected of me.

Once I have some solid details I'll be letting anyone interested (and doubtless quite a few people who aren't interested) know all about it. My other big project is in its last stages of stealth mode so I should be shouting that from the rooftops this week as well.

The big project I've been working on with others has been in planning for months. We're just about to lock in the final critical details (basically, a date) and then we'll be going public. Which is just as well because my brain has been on the edge of exploding having to keep this stuff secret. The big project and the possible TV thing feel like the culmination of what I've been doing online for the last 18 months, even if I didn't realise what it is I've been doing. Now I have to go back to work... I'll have to find some way to disguise the fact I don't give a shit about it right now.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

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