So here's the Japanese busker I saw on the weekend while I was shooting my Melbourne video postcards. He doesn't do thing by half measures - cowboy hat, slide guitar and southern US accent when he sings. He even throws in some bars of "Waltzing Matilda" for the local audience.
I had a flyer from this guy so I could tell you a bit about him but I lost it. Never fear, YouTube to the rescue. This guy is all over YouTube, his name is George Kamikawa (apparently). If you follow the URL this video on YouTube you can find more videos of him (if that seems like a good idea to you) all shot at basically the same spot but he's doing a few different songs. On of the other YTers calls him a Blues Busker - maybe that's more accurate. The URL is:
Current TV -
Thought of you when I read this. Al Gore's TV network is all user-made video content. I don't know about how to submit to them, but you might want to look into it. I especially enjoyed your Melbourne tours.
Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence Tom. I know about that network but I'd never considered submitting to them. Hmmmm, I need to get a bigger ego. I'm gonna check it out.
woah, that guy does have his mojo working!
It's an infectious mojo, I find myself singing along every time I watch him.
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