Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Some video goodness

It's time for something new and exciting I've never done before... TWO videos in one post. These are more YouTube-y than bloggy if that makes any sense. They are both "response" videos - me continuing to try and ride on the coat tails of someone else's popularity.

The first one is applicable to all teenage girls wondering what their parents might want to say to a boy who is hanging around. It's from a dad's perspective, me being a dad and all, but I think it's applicable to all parents. This one goes out to you Happychick ;)

The URL for this video is:

The next one is an attempt to answer the deceptively complex question "who are you?" If you are particularly interested, follow the URL back to YouTube and check out the original video by a user who calls himself Renetto. Last I checked he had over 100 video responses to his question which is, I'm pretty sure, unprecedented for YouTube. A popular video would usually get about 10 responses if they were lucky.

I don't think I reveal any secrets that regular readers of this blog wouldn't already know but you never know. Watch it and you might learn something new about me.

The URL for this video is:

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