Monday, May 29, 2006

Apropos of Nothing in Particular

My desk calendar notes that today is "Spring Bank Holiday" in the UK. I first read that as Sperm Bank Holiday. Now that would be a special holiday. I think I need to go have a lie down.


Rick said...

Sperm bank holiday? Heh, what an odd notion. Here on Kyklopes Island we make deposits 24/7. It's all in the wrist...

Di said...

Interesting. That kinda holiday would never happen here, simply 'cause men run things here. But hey, y'never know.

Mr Angry said...

kyklops: you don't half boast, do you?

Di: that's exactly why I think it would be a holiday, you think men don't want constant deposits? ;) Look at Kyklops!

epikles said...

in a novel i just read (the brooklun follies, by paul auster) a guy is doing is sperm donor business, flipping the pages, and comes across a spread featuring his sister. i leave the rest to your imagination.

Equilibrio Global said...

Hi Mr. Angry... Thanks for stopping by and commenting!! THat line in the theme song is great!! Good reminder :-)

Mr Angry said...

Tom: geeeez it's not like I can un-read what you wrote. Just when I though my post might be a bit sick, you had to go and out-do me.

allmylovins: You see? banks are starting to permeate my mind now

before sunrise: Also, my 10 years of catholic education make "every sperm is sacred" very meaningful to me